Intuitive Acupuncture and Wellness
Friday, March 2, 2018
Office Closing
It is with great sadness and regret to announce that I am closing the doors to Intuitive Acupuncture and Wellness. It has been an incredible journey and I am deeply grateful of the opportunity to serve the Copperfield and Northwest Houston community. I certainly hope to share more classes over nutrition, food therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, herbal remedies and energy work in the future.
If I could share just one aspect of this journey that is important to remember, it is that healing does not occur outside of the self. We are all co-creators of our own health and wellness and it is a daily journey towards balance. I am still amazed over the patients who overcame dismal medical diagnoses with the simplicity of improved nutrition, exercise, positive thinking, and integrative therapies. It was a pleasure to work with you and wish you all the best in your healing journeys.
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Rooibos Tea: Antioxidants in Every Cup
Many have yet to try the refreshing caffeine-free, calorie free nutty tasting reddish brown tea called Rooibos. It contains less than half the amount of tannins present in black tea, which provide the bitter aftertaste of tea. This makes rooibos a more palatable alternative to regular tea or coffee. Tannins are known to prevent the absorption of certain proteins and iron, which can be a concern for those needing the most nutrition, such as pregnant and nursing women. The name ‘rooibos’ comes from the Afrikaans word for "red bush" and it only grows in South Africa. Despite the name, as a plant it is green like most others. It only turns red during the fermentation process. Rooibos has an exceptional array of benefits, including adding antioxidants to your diet [1], which can combat free-radical damage that can lead to abnormal cell-proliferation (cancer/tumor growth). It’s also helpful in managing Type II Diabetes, and has antispasmodic effects that can help relieve diarrhea and soothe the stomach.
The antioxidant properties of rooibos tea are similar to those of green tea. Antioxidants function at the molecular level dealing with free radicals, which are damaging molecules that have lost an electron and harm cellular structures by stealing electrons from other molecules. This consequently destabilizes them and causes a chain reaction that leads to cellular damage. Antioxidants help by providing that spare electron the free radical is searching for, neutralizing the charge within. Look at it as a peacekeeper in the body. The brain is especially susceptible to oxidative stress, considering that it consumes 20% of the body's oxygen. This state of oxidative stress can result from long-term psychological stress. There is evidence to show that oxidative stress, over time, is linked to neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, or Huntington's disease. Which is why focusing on managing our chronic stress levels is important, and valuing antioxidant resources in our diet can provide some support in these situations. Rooibos has been found particularly helpful in reducing metabolites that lead to an increase of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin regulates the stress response pathway in the body and the study below showed a reduction of metabolites leading to serotonin with Rooibos extract intake during a four-week span[5]. Rooibos also prevents cancer by encouraging apoptosis[2], the cell’s natural self-destruct button for destroying a cell that has been damaged and could lead to potential cancer cell growth.
Green rooibos (unfermented) is also considered helpful in combating Type II Diabetes. Diabetes is a descriptor of the metabolic state in which there is too much glucose (sugar) in the blood. Since glucose molecules are too large, sugar in the blood can damage small capillary blood vessels. This is why they tend to harm the eyes, and organs such as the kidneys, which have fine filters made up of tiny capillaries. Green rooibos has been found to suppress the rapid spike of blood glucose levels during fasting, and support an increased glucose uptake within cells[3]. The latter is especially valuable since the issue of stagnating sugar in the blood is caused by the improper transport within the cell of glucose to utilize as fuel.

Rooibos is wonderful cold or hot, sweetened or plain, with or without milk. There are dozens of combinations with added flavors such as berries or vanilla. Consider trying rooibos herbal tea as an addition to a daily food therapy boost from the cornucopia of healing foods available at the grocery store or in your own pantry.
- ^In Vitro Chemopreventive Properties of Green Tea, Rooibos and Honeybush Extracts in Skin Cells
- ^Free radical scavenging ability of Aspalathus linearis in two in vitro models of diabetes and cancer
- ^Antidiabetic effect of green rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) extract in cultured cells and type 2 diabetic model KK-Ay mice
- ^Antispasmodic Effects of Rooibos Tea (Aspalathus linearis) is Mediated Predominantly through K+-Channel Activation
- ^Anti-Oxidative Effects of Rooibos Tea (Aspalathus linearis) on Immobilization-Induced Oxidative Stress in Rat Brain
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Love and Honor Yourself for Health
Self-nurturing does not come easily to us all. There are
those who can balance the needs of others with their own. Many introverted, empathetic, nurturing,
compassionate individuals do not focus on themselves. And the end result can be multi-fold, but we
must recognize the importance of valuing yourself. Honor yourself, as much as you would someone
else - as much as you would want someone to honor you. We all know how powerful love can be. Love
yourself unconditionally, and begin to let go of all the criticisms and shadow-self
talk of not being good enough, successful enough, beautiful enough, or worthy
enough for all your dreams to come true.

My focus
is always on preventative health care and holistic, natural medicine. That means, every day you contribute to your
health and wellbeing, and you can nurture your life with your thoughts,
emotions, choices, actions, diet, breathing, and sleep. I want to give nine suggestions to help bring
back the intention and focus to loving and honoring yourself every day. Sometimes we feel guilty when we prioritize
ourselves, and that may be a part of this process. Realizing it is okay to value yourself, take
time to pamper yourself, cook and eat the foods that are good for you,
exercise, partake in hobbies and activities that bring you joy.
Eat Breakfast. Do not skip the first meal. You are not doing yourself a favor if you
just have coffee or a small piece of fruit.
If you are dealing with sugar imbalance issues, such as Pre-Diabetes or
Type II Diabetes, it will be extremely helpful to eat protein in the morning,
such as eggs. This may require some
planning ahead of time, but remember, you and your health are worth it.
Pile On Fruits and
Vegetables. Unless there are
allergies or other specific diets constraints, have all the fruits and
vegetables you can manage. Especially
the vegetables! They contain the purest form of nutrition, vitamins, and
minerals, and will not steer you wrong.
Though be mindful that you should vary the different kinds of fruits and
vegetables; some have higher sugar content (such as grapes, peaches and
bananas), and some interfere with the absorption of certain minerals; for
example, spinach and dairy should not be eaten together, since it interferes
with calcium absorption.
Daily Whole Food Vitamin.
If you are living life in the fast lane, it can be hard to acquire all your
nutrients from foods. To combat possible
nutritional deficiencies, it is a great idea to take a daily whole food
supplement. Not all supplements are
created equal. Some are chemically
derived and therefore more difficult for your body to absorb the nutrients
present. Other supplements are made from
real food, or even algae, to provide the most readily absorbable vitamins. These can be a bit more expensive, but there
are several brands to consider for your own nutritional needs. And do not forget to take essential fatty
acids, such as an Omega-3 supplement that supports brain and heart health, as
well as boosting the immune system. And
if you are dealing with excess stress, you will need more water-soluble
vitamins, such as a vitamin B complex and vitamin C supplement (such as
Emergen-C). Please discuss with your
primary care physician regarding any current medications being taken before
starting a new vitamin supplement regimen.
Drink More Water. If you find yourself drinking juice, milk,
coffee, tea, soda, etc. all day long, how much water are you really drinking? If you have issue with your current weight,
it might surprise you how many calories are taken in with beverages every day,
and add up during the week. A recent study has shown that drinking plenty of
water will lower the daily intake of saturated fat, cholesterol, salt and
overall calories. You may not realize
this, but when you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated at the cellular
level. And sometimes our body signals
hunger pangs when it is actually thirsty!
So keeping yourself well hydrated can keep your appetite in check.
Improve Sleep. Whatever
the issue a patient wishes to focus treatment on, I always ask about their
sleep at every visit. Why? Poor sleep over time can deplete our constitution, and how can one live a fulfilled life without good rest? Your sleep is a good indicator of your
overall health and how your body restores itself; it is important to focus on
if there are any imbalances. Sleep is the foundation of good health, alongside
wholesome food, water, and exercise. They even discovered recently an important
factor in how the lymphatic system of the brain functions: it drains during
sleep. Lymph is the clear fluid that
contains our white blood cells and other illness-fighting cells that naturally
drains back into the circulatory system; but in the absence of restful sleep,
it cannot drain. Think of stagnant water
and how that may affect clear thinking or feeling rested and refreshed first
thing in the morning.
Lift Weights. You do not need to lift large or heavy
weights to receive benefits from them.
In fact, you can use your own body weight as a means of bodybuilding,
such as calisthenics like squats, lunges, crunches, leg raises and
push-ups. Several yoga poses use our own body weight to enhance the benefit
(for example, variations of the Warrior Pose). Looking closer, lifting weights helps
improve our resting basal metabolism, the calories needed while at rest to
manage vital bodily functions such as respiration, digestion and
circulation. If you have any issues with
excess weight, I would highly recommend adding weight training to your exercise
regimen, and even if you utilize five-pound weights, basic calisthenic exercises,
or yoga it will provide an improvement to your metabolism. Finally, for women going through menopause, where
the decreased production of estrogen leads to concerns over bone density loss
and the potential for osteopenia and osteoporosis, weight training can offer benefits
for stronger bones. Lifting weights
causes the muscle to pull on the bone; the strain of the exercise causes the
bone to respond by pulling in more calcium to those areas, increasing
calcification and bone density.
Talk to Someone.
There is no shame in talking to a trusted friend, spiritual adviser, or
counselor about what you may feel is holding you back. Life can pile on the obstacles, regrets,
grief, and frustrations over decisions and even relationships. There is no need to carry this burden on your
own, and sometimes an objective perspective can help us out of our own
ruts. A kind counselor told me during a
dark period that I was using everything going wrong in my life as reason why I
was a failure. I was absorbing it as part of my identity, and frankly it wasn’t
true. It was tough to recognize that and actively counteract that thought
process. She showed me a simple polished
clear blue stone, and told me to imagine all those obstacles in life polishing
me to a beautiful shine. It sometimes
takes time and effort, but she was right in saying that there is no need to
hold on to pain, mistakes, situations out of our control and our perceived
failures. You can let them go and be
happy once again.
Sometimes we don't have time to meditate, reflect, or talk to someone about our
daily stressors and generally busy lives.
I highly recommend making time for meditation. But I also
believe in baby stepping towards the goal of peace and mindfulness. What can
help in a pinch are positive daily affirmations. I always try to say the most important
affirmations when I drive, which helps relieve the frustration of a long
commute. It also reinforces what kind of
seeds you wish to plant in your mind and for the future. I recommend Heart Chakra affirmations for
developing more self-love and compassion, such as "I deeply and completely
love and accept myself" or "I am open to love and kindness".
Over time, saying the affirmations that hit the root of the issues you are
dealing with can give the strength to make the changes needed to improve your
health and wellbeing.
Follow Up with your
Bucket List. What would make your life extraordinary and full of
passion? Would it be to travel to your
favorite places, finally see the great wonders of the world? Would it be to learn that instrument that you
fell in love with long ago, learn a new language or how to cook? This isn't the same as asking if you only had
a year left to live and clear out your bank accounts for a fun adventure or
even to go 'Wild'. It is about
prioritizing yourself to follow your dreams, your passions, your joy. And not make excuses, especially when it all
boils down to you are not doing what you want because you are making other
people's lives more important than yours.
Give yourself permission to dream.
Take those steps towards your joy.
At the end of yoga class the teacher will usually bow to the
students in prayer pose and say 'Namaste'. It means "I honor the God in
you as it is in me". There is a lot
of wisdom in this one word, acknowledging the divinity that touches us all,
that is available to us all. Some have
the different challenge of learning to value others as much they value
themselves. And others cast themselves
aside, leave their interests and put themselves last and others first. Regardless of where you stand, learn to be
the balance that you seek. Namaste.
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Health Starts With Water
The human body is in constant flux, with multiple biochemical reactions occurring simultaneously to maintain homeostasis - the body's equilibrium for health and wellness. Part of this intricate balance is maintaining the pH level in the blood at a steady 7.35 to 7.45. This is slightly alkaline, with a pH of 7.0 considered neutral.
The body’s ability to support this balance depends on how we treat it on a daily basis. On the blood or biochemical level, this includes maintaining a proper pH. Our health starts at the cellular level, and by the time you notice an issue on the outside of the body, it has been through multiple systems of checks and balances before coming to our awareness. Neglecting our body's pH can leave it out of balance, leading to such issues as chronic inflammation, chronic fatigue, digestive disorders, and compromised organ systems at the worst.
The foremost factor in a well maintained bodily pH is a balanced diet prominently featuring fresh fruits, vegetables and legumes. We can add to that smaller amounts of nuts, seeds, whole grains, and some lean meats or other proteins. Fruits and vegetables are more alkaline in nature, especially considering that acids are the by-product of fats being broken down. However, we still need fat in the body for important functions - especially the essential fatty acids found in salmon, flax seeds, almonds, walnuts, olive oil, eggs, whole grains, and dark, leafy vegetables (such as broccoli and spinach).
The foods that cause the most acidity are meat and cheese, with some carbohydrates contributing (sugar and white flour especially). Reducing these acidifying foods and increasing healthy alkaline-promoting options can improve our pH balance while increasing the availability of vitamins and minerals that might otherwise be leached out of our bodies.
Another source for improving alkalinity of the body is drinking alkaline water. Some brands of water, such as Fiji, provide the pH of their water (Fiji is labeled as 7.7 pH). You may be lucky enough to have certain establishments nearby which sell alkaline water. Here in Texas, we have "Water Tree," which offers two tiers of alkalinity, 9.5 pH and 10.5 pH, sold by the gallon. Many people do not realize that some bottled water may have a pH less than 7, and therefore considered more acidic, because of the processes necessary to sanitize the water. Since ground water can be easily contaminated, this includes "fresh" spring water. Consider getting a testing kit to know where on the pH scale your filtered or bottled water sits.
Please note that drinking alkaline water is not a cure-all for poor eating and lack of exercise. Focusing on a healthy diet and making sure to get 30 minutes of moderate activity daily is a must, especially if you have a sedentary job and lifestyle. That being said, drinking water is a benefit all on its own. A study surveying over 18,000 U.S. adults showed that increasing water consumption alone decreased their sugar, salt, fat and cholesterol consumption, as well as decreased overall caloric intake. So, while you might not always be able to drink alkaline water, make sure you drink the standard 8 glasses per day, seeing as how it can go a long way towards balancing our health. Simple steps towards this goal can be ordering water with meals, and carry water along with you everywhere - especially if, like here in Southeast Texas, you live in a sweltering subtropical climate. If one of your goals is to lose weight, then replacing juice, milk, sweet tea and soda with water can go a long way in decreasing those calories. Remember, if you feel thirsty, then you are already dehydrated at the cellular level. Prioritize water, and your health, vitality, and general well-being will improve.
Monday, March 20, 2017
Spring Equinox: Earth and Wood Element Highlights
It is amazing to think this year has passed by so quickly and Spring has marked its arrival with the Spring equinox! In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Spring is related to the Wood element, an energetic element tied to our liver and gall bladder energy channels (meridians in TCM) flowing through the body. The taste 'sour' is also associated with Spring and Wood; this is the time sour can be better appreciated and well received. Sour food function is similar to astringents used for the skin (such as witch hazel), and the way our mouths pucker with lemons and limes. It lifts and gathers in that which has begun to sag or is too dispersed. It pulls together to prepare for the blossoming period that marks the season of Spring. The blueprint and plan-of-action for all those seeds that have been in hibernation to finally wake up, make their debut, and start the germination process.
The other interesting aspect of the Wood element is that it rules the emotion of anger. When you're "seeing red", or so furious it seems to overwhelm the body and perspective, that is the emotion anger out of balance. Anger energy naturally rises and follows the path to the head and eyes, since that is the natural energy pathway of the liver and gallbladder meridians. But it is important to note that anger is not to be looked on as exclusively negative. That same emotion and energy we qualify as 'anger' is the same energy that allows that seed to sprout in nature. Imagine how hard it is to push through the tough kernel or shell of a seed and you get an idea of what anger energy is meant for. It is meant to push forward with our ideas and plans. All those wonderful projects that we think up could get a boost during this time naturally by tapping into the natural energy that the Season Spring brings with the Wood element. And to help us utilize that energy, our food choices can make an impact and that is why it would be best to incorporate a few sour food items here or there. Unless you find yourself falling into the overwhelmed state of angry energy; then you may consider something bitter or pungent to help. That includes mint, spices, light food choices, such as salads, smoothies, light and cool soups, fresh and local whole food choices.
However it is important to note that there is another element highlighted during this time - the Earth Element, which governs the transition phase of every equinox and solstice period. This transition phase lasts for about 15 days total, or 7.5 days before and after the equinox or solstice peaks. This provides a safe space to adjust to the change of seasons and the shift of energy between the elements. Here, we are letting go of winter - cool, calm, contemplative, burrowed and focused on within. Also the highlighted foods were more comforting and hearty, with soups, casseroles and richer dishes. Earth element governs the spleen and stomach energy meridians. It also rules the sweet taste that is naturally present in most grains and fruits. Those are the foods highlighted during this element's time. The emotion to balance with the Earth element is worry. Worry can easily destabilize this element, since it is meant to be a grounding energy linking all the elements together. It is meant to be the diplomat and peace-bringer; when we worry, that energy can displace that peaceful serenity. The natural linkage can drop, and this can lead to a feeling of displacement as the seasons pass, and even cause personal illness such as anxiety, gastrointestinal discomfort, seasonal allergies, common colds, flu, and muscular aches & pains. It is partially why we reach for sweet tasting foods for comfort and ease our emotional ills. Sweet taste can be harmonizing and grounding as well.
No matter where you live, we are affected by the changing seasons, and the cycles of nature can be reflected in the foods we eat and the energy meridians that run throughout the body and nourish our organ systems. May you have a lovely start to your Spring!
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Colds, Flu, Herbs and Probiotics
With the weather changes amidst this winter season, many have experienced a cold or flu. This is especially true if kids are involved. Usually when a virus hits us, there is not much medicine available. Sometimes if you catch it quickly enough, a doctor could prescribe Tamiflu. But that is only within a 48-hour window of the onset of symptoms. And that only works on the flu virus strain. There are herbal Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) formulas available from a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist as well. However, people may not realize this option is readily available to them.
This is important to note, since licensed acupuncturists are one of the few licensed herbalists in the country, and the only one in the state of Texas. And taking herbs and supplements can be a commonplace practice amongst those who care about health and wellness. But it is important to consult and discuss herb usage with those who understand the mechanisms of herbal medicine. This is also why it is highly recommended to discuss herbal remedies with a professional or herbalist who knows the difference between and treatment solutions in taking certain herbs. One of the obvious reasons is to make sure there are no counter-indications for certain combinations of herbs, medications, and medical backgrounds.
Herbs are indeed helpful and medicinal in treating the body. But there are specific herbs and herbal formulas to be taken when you are suffering from a cold or flu and some to avoid. The herbs touted for boosting the immune system are not to be taken while sick. Let me say that again, when you are fighting the cold and flu, you are not supposed to take echinacea, astralagus or other immune boosting tonics during that time. The best way to describe this is the function of those herbs are an internal rotation of energy building up the body's strength - kind of like lifting weights and building up muscle mass. However, when a virus or bacteria attack the body, the focus isn't on building up within. It is trying to release and let go of the foreign invaders.
Immune building herbs are supposed to be taken when you are over your illness, and to build up the body's immune system over time, up to several weeks and months potentially. When you take those herbs when you are sick, it doesn't have the effect you want and people end up thinking that those herbs are ineffective. Not true, you just need to know when to use them properly. Herbs are medicine and follow specific mechanisms. Building up the body's immunity is a different action to warding off a virus or bacteria attacking the body and causing the typical symptoms we know and hate.
However, another situation can arise if a viral infection, like a cold or the flu, lingers too long to the point where a bacterial infection can set in. Or maybe you ended up catching a sinus infection, an upper respiratory infection or even bronchitis. Once this occurs, an antibiotic may be needed. While herbs can be effective against bacterial infections too, they can also take longer due to their gentler and more natural quality. Antibiotics tend to end up being very strong - so strong that they take care of the infection and then wipe out a decent population of friendly bacteria in one's GI tract. It is part of why you might have a gastrointestinal discomfort while taking antibiotics.
After a run of antibiotics, taking probiotics can get your healthy gut bacteria to flourish again. This “garden” is your first line of immune defense - studies have shown that the majority - well over 70% - of the body's immune system is in our GI tract. If you are one of the unfortunate folk to have a digestive reaction to antibiotics, you want to make sure that the good bacteria return and promote regularity. Being regular means having a bowel movement every day. Any less than that and you are technically constipated. It makes sense, since if you eat every day, then you should be letting go of the waste every day.
If you are like me and dislike yogurt, you can be rest assured there are plenty of probiotic options out there! However even if you are lactose intolerant, yogurt and other fermented dairy probiotics are easier to digest. I found a great dairy-free alternative, which is drinkable and pleasant tasting. The brand is called Good Belly and they offer many different juice flavored blends. They even provide convenient concentrated "shots" (containing 20 billion probiotic cultures per serving) to take on the go. But honestly, there is nothing wrong with yogurt, kefir and even the Yakult drinks. And you don't have to wait to get sick to take Probiotics either! Maybe you feel like you need to improve the function of your digestive system (did the constipation remark above give you pause?). Chronic inflammation, especially related to gastrointestinal discomfort of bloating, gas, cramping and some skin conditions can be improved with regular use of Probiotics.
To sum up, remember to discuss herbal use with a licensed herbalist. They would love to discuss your interests in herbal therapy, and help make sure you take them safely and at the most convenient times. If you end up needing antibiotics, please take Probiotics once your prescription is complete. This way you can be back in optimal health with a tiptop immune system. Consider taking probiotics on the regular if you find you need more support, not just after treatment for an infection. And finally, if you suffer from chronic colds and coughs, you can benefit from immune boosting herbs, such as echinacea and astralagus - just be sure to take them once the illness has passed.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Nutritional Stress
We tend to focus nutrition topics and information on weight loss and fitness. Going deeper to the meaning of nourishing the body for health and wellness takes a bit more effort. Nutritional stress occurs when the body is in a negative reactive state on the cellular level based on a poor quality diet. This could cause an array of issues, where the body is lacking key essential nutrients to recuperate and maintain health. It could mean an inflammatory reaction occurs and builds on the daily, continual onslaught of a poor diet. Perhaps inflammation in say the digestive system, similar to leaky gut syndrome, prevents proper absorption and assimilation of the nutrients in our food. Over time this could lead to chronic fatigue, insomnia, lack of concentration or focus, weight loss and even weight gain without increasing your caloric intake.
Ultimately, even if you eat enough calories per day you can be malnourished. While eating a classic American diet rife with take out, fast food, frozen meals, processed goods, easy meals, the demands of this diet takes a toll on the body. Especially long term, spanning years or even decades. Which is why the hype over vegan, vegetarian, raw food and paleo diets has been so successful. They highlight and encourage eating more whole foods, fresh produce and even reduce foods that potentially cause inflammation in the body (dairy, meat, sugar, alcohol, wheat, corn). When you eliminate so many problem foods and give the body fresh produce, it heals itself faster and you feel a lot better. This could potentially reverse damage built up over the years.
Eating more whole foods does not mean making sure to buy all your groceries at the Whole Foods grocery store! What it does mean is making sure you are eating foods with the minimum of processing and a short list of ingredients that are basically whole foods themselves. With no additives, artificial flavors and preservatives. That means more fruit and vegetables than what is provided in the classic American diet. And cooking your own meals with whole grains, lean meats (if preferred), lentils and beans. Does that take more work than some are willing? Maybe. Which is why many have to get sick in order to change their diet for the better.
It isn't necessarily that these additives are bad for you, but taken in large quantities, over time and add in the regular daily grind of life's normal level of stress in the mix? It could create a synergistic response in the body where it cannot handle the poor diet on top of not having enough essential nutrients and adding potential personal stress on top (yes our emotions can influence our health and bodily functions). It is like owning a home and then refusing to clean or maintain it. But eventually the appliances break down, the light bulbs burn out, and you need to do some major overhauls.
That isn't to say there is one diet out there to rule them all. Some of us can handle wheat and dairy better than others. Some of us cannot manage a vegetarian/vegan diet without feeling extremely drained or fatigued by the lack of animal protein. One of the hardest things is to convince yourself, beyond how you may feel, why it is imperative to invest in a good quality diet. We have the power to choose our diet and must take responsibility for what we eat. This is partially where eating more whole foods in your diet becomes significant.
I would like to bring forth some simple truths. We always have a choice. Every day, you have to make choices. And we are all responsible for our choices. Sure, there are reasons and circumstances on why you made your decisions, but does that take away the fact that you made them? No. Does it take effort to cook with whole foods, improve your health and nutrition? Yes, absolutely. I won't sugar coat the fact that good health takes effort.
But most importantly, it is all worth it. Eating well for better health and wellness is worth it. Investing in a better quality of life with proper nutrition and exercise allows us to enjoy the little things that make us happy as individuals. Saying you are worth the effort to be healthier also allows you to spend more time with friends, family and loved ones in a greater foundation of peace of mind. Make the choice to improve your diet since it will add up and catch up with all of us eventually.
Ultimately, even if you eat enough calories per day you can be malnourished. While eating a classic American diet rife with take out, fast food, frozen meals, processed goods, easy meals, the demands of this diet takes a toll on the body. Especially long term, spanning years or even decades. Which is why the hype over vegan, vegetarian, raw food and paleo diets has been so successful. They highlight and encourage eating more whole foods, fresh produce and even reduce foods that potentially cause inflammation in the body (dairy, meat, sugar, alcohol, wheat, corn). When you eliminate so many problem foods and give the body fresh produce, it heals itself faster and you feel a lot better. This could potentially reverse damage built up over the years.
Eating more whole foods does not mean making sure to buy all your groceries at the Whole Foods grocery store! What it does mean is making sure you are eating foods with the minimum of processing and a short list of ingredients that are basically whole foods themselves. With no additives, artificial flavors and preservatives. That means more fruit and vegetables than what is provided in the classic American diet. And cooking your own meals with whole grains, lean meats (if preferred), lentils and beans. Does that take more work than some are willing? Maybe. Which is why many have to get sick in order to change their diet for the better.
It isn't necessarily that these additives are bad for you, but taken in large quantities, over time and add in the regular daily grind of life's normal level of stress in the mix? It could create a synergistic response in the body where it cannot handle the poor diet on top of not having enough essential nutrients and adding potential personal stress on top (yes our emotions can influence our health and bodily functions). It is like owning a home and then refusing to clean or maintain it. But eventually the appliances break down, the light bulbs burn out, and you need to do some major overhauls.
That isn't to say there is one diet out there to rule them all. Some of us can handle wheat and dairy better than others. Some of us cannot manage a vegetarian/vegan diet without feeling extremely drained or fatigued by the lack of animal protein. One of the hardest things is to convince yourself, beyond how you may feel, why it is imperative to invest in a good quality diet. We have the power to choose our diet and must take responsibility for what we eat. This is partially where eating more whole foods in your diet becomes significant.
I would like to bring forth some simple truths. We always have a choice. Every day, you have to make choices. And we are all responsible for our choices. Sure, there are reasons and circumstances on why you made your decisions, but does that take away the fact that you made them? No. Does it take effort to cook with whole foods, improve your health and nutrition? Yes, absolutely. I won't sugar coat the fact that good health takes effort.
But most importantly, it is all worth it. Eating well for better health and wellness is worth it. Investing in a better quality of life with proper nutrition and exercise allows us to enjoy the little things that make us happy as individuals. Saying you are worth the effort to be healthier also allows you to spend more time with friends, family and loved ones in a greater foundation of peace of mind. Make the choice to improve your diet since it will add up and catch up with all of us eventually.
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